Monday, September 28, 2009

Tea Things Tuesday

It's Tuesday and time for tea things hosted by Kim at Thank you Kim!!
Today I am going to share my Crate and Barrel teapot that I actually got at...Crate and Barrel!

It is white, very plain, and yet...

It has a wonderfully smooth texture, light bounces off it, it can survive the dishwasher, and it goes with pretty much everything. I have probably used this teapot the most. It seems to be just the right size too, medium.
So after my plain white teapot I decided to also share this cute little decorative teapot. Now this I did not get at Crate and Barrel, I ran across this at a thrift store and it was in perfect condition. I don't think it had ever really been used or displayed.

It's made to look like there are holes and chips and the little animals have made themselves at home. See the squirrel swinging on the handle?

I thought it was just awfully cute.
Happy Tuesday!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Check out these trees!

I picked up my little companion from school and she agreed to go with me to this marvelous park to take pictures for the blog. She had been here a couple of times this summer with her day camp and I have marveled at it each time I drive by.

This park has these massive oak trees,

Covered in Spanish moss.

Some people call it the tree park.

It has wonderful shade, a little haven from the intense sun. Marvelous!!
Now, lets live vicariously for a minute through the unfettered, uninhibited loveliness of a child, ready?

Jump on the swing, get those legs going, swinging higher and higher,

Now when you are as high as you can go yell out, I'M A BIRD!!!!! With a smile on your face and unashamed abandonment for all the world to hear.

Happy Saturday!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Tea Things Tuesday

Kim at hosts Tea Things Tuesday. Thank you Kim (so glad you didn't stop with Teacup Tuesdays).

This week in honor of fall I am showing my Ganz teapot and two cups that I got in North Dakota.

The basket had flowers in it and was a gift from my parents in 1989, when I had a particularly heinous operation. The military flew me from Florida to San Antonio, Texas. I was gone nearly 2 months over Christmas and my youngest son did not remember me when I got home, oh ya, heinous, but, I digress....

I found the tray at Goodwill for $3.00 I absolutely love it. I think someone made it. When I washed it some of the stain came off so I think I'll put a coat of varnish or some sealant on it. The candle and little holder I found at Cracker Barrel, as well as the Indians.

Now if the Indians appear to be sweating that is probably because I managed to drop Mr. Indian and broke him clean apart in 3 pieces; feet, torso, and head. Sad.... luckily Elmer's fixed it right up and he's good as new...

just a little nervous! ha

Happy Tea Things Tuesday!!!!!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Purple project finished

Okay, finished the purple dress last night. Had to wait until today after church for little companion to give it a try on.
Enter little companion...


Stage left...

Back view

Stage right...

Little companion gets to go to the Nutcracker Ballet this year with her mother for the first time. This may be her outfit of choice.


Saturday we also explored North Tampa. They have a wonderful outdoor mall there. Really reminds you of what downtowns used to be like bustling and busy and just plain cute. We went to church up in that area today, was worth the ride! Waiting for my work computer to come back on line right now, emergency reboot you know. We're back up... have a wonderful night!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Found them

I was right, my pins were tucked neatly inside the sewing machine case!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Out and about with a purpose

Well been feeling the urge to create. I get these urges off and on, kind of an addiction thing. I tend to "get my fix" and then move on. So, it is time to sew again. I located a fabric store and off I went, lickety split (after I picked up Little Companion from school, stopped by the bank, and just a quick snack at McDonalds).

Cool store, only explored part today. We were there 2 hours and never got to the craft section. I have always liked Joann's even though through the years they may have been a tad more expensive. Maybe that's why they are still around!

So this is what we picked out. This purple is soooo rich, love the color. It's a very soft velour.

Going to attempt D (second from the left).

This is the lining for the little jacket. (I just can't seem to get a better picture of the purple, so very dark, but it's purdy!)

We also got some of this material. Isn't it cute? Little teacups and hot chocolate, perfect! Since the pattern on the fabric is fairly busy I think I'll keep the dress fairly simple.

When shall we start this undertaking? We have gathered the supplies. We have the material the patterns, the zippers, the thread, the tape measure, the chalk. We have preshrunk the material but... we can't find the pins. I HAVE LOST MY PIN CUSHION!!!!

You get attached to a particular pin cushion, you know just which way it will tip, how far to push the pins in before you get poked. Okay, I have to ask, did any of you ever walk out of home ec with their pin cushion still on their arm, come on, fess up, hummmm?

Hopefully tomorrow I will find it (could be I stuffed it in my sewing machine the last time I used it, before I closed the case and toted it off to Florida by way of North Dakota) because once I start a project I want it done, no messing around. Start it, finish it, enjoy it!

Now this is how we justify this expense. McCalls and Butterick patterns were $1.99 today and simplicity was at a good price too. Ha


It's time to create!!!

Have a great weekend. Lots of smiles.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Tea THINGS Tuesday

This continues to be so much fun. Thank you Kim at for hosting this fun!
You may remember that I found this cute little tea set, Formalities by Baum Brothers, in North Dakota at a thrift store.

Well, last weekend I found this cute little trinket teapot in the same pattern here in Florida.

Isn't it cute!
What fabulous trinket shall I put in it?

Here they are together

I also found this cute little Thomas Kinkade Teapot.

The little chimney comes off and that is where you put your hot water/tea. I don't think I will actually use it for tea, it would be very difficult to actually clean, but I like it for decoration.

Here's wishing you a happy Tea THINGS Tuesday!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Some pretty finds

Look what I found at Goodwill all bundled up nice and tidy as you please.
Could not see a chip or any damage so I figured I could not go wrong for $15.06. Got it home and opened it up and here's what there was. The tall bowl and the 2-tiered whatchamacallit. Now granted they are newish and not made in England, but hey they are pretty!

And, oh I like my Old Country Roses.

Also found this

Love how the light just bounces all around this vase.


But tonight, tonight, we're feeling a tad bit blue, for no particular reason really. Probably a little to do with the rain, a little to do with the lingering bronchitis, a little to do with working part of every day this last week. So we're having a very casual little tea party to perk us up.

Some comfortable Homer Laughlin Ferndale, our little blue teapot, some plain old English Breakfast tea and we're set to go. So glad tomorrow is the Lord's day! Peace to you.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

What we did on our labor day vacation...

Headed to Clearwater Beach early.

It was very sunny even at 9 a.m. Look at that water, good clue as to why they call it Clearwater!

It was so relaxing! Little companion had great fun.

We were well taken care of..

By our friendly neighborhood Coast Guard guys. Hi guys!

Look big Kahuna, somehow the Coast Guard still functions with you retired!

Time to clean up. Lunch calls.

(Daughter and little companion in front of Joe's Crab Shack)

Had never been here before. Joe's Crab Shack. Very colorful. Little companion was a bit concerned over the fake shark they had hanging from the ceiling with a leg sticking out of it, ha, ya, just try explaining that to a sensitive 6 year old girl! This is also the establishment that has the T-shirts that brag I got crabs from my waitress... hum. Well we went with a good attitude and had fun.

I do not believe little companion will choose to go back for quite some time though!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Out and about and what we brought home...

Today we went to the library and got my little companion a library card OF HER VERY OWN!!! It was a successful operation and she was very pleased, proud, and excited. She is in a brand new school this year and so far they have no books in the library, so this was extremely fun.

This facility is set up very well in that the children's section is secluded behind glass with one door in and out. Thus, if a very protective grandma were to take her 6-year-old granddaughter to the library she could, in theory, sit in a chair between book racks and said door and make sure little companion did not wander out or get nabbed while choosing her books. She is quite a proficient little reader at 6.

Now, I don't want you folks to be jealous, but I must say in the 92 degree heat today I got a primo parking space under this here shade tree.

Ha, okay just kidding about the shade.


Remember those chairs I spotted yesterday? Well took my sweety pie daughter over to peruse them today, we both agreed they would be just perfect.

Now here's where I spin you my tale.
There were two other lovely women really looking them over, a-poking and a-prodding, they would sit, they would stand, they would look. At one point I believe they even took pictures. Then they briefly stepped away.

Um hum...

It was at this point we made our move and headed directly to the cash register, paid for said chairs, and even had the audacity to ask for help loading them. Bought them right out from under those lovely unsuspecting ladies.

Now let me show you why,

Are they not just perfect for this spot? That's the little table I got a couple of weeks ago. They are so comfortable. We're planning on some little plants for the shelves on either side of the picture.

Now that's my story and I sincerely hope those lovely ladies found some equally lovely chairs to enjoy!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Chilling on a Friday night...

Well, I tried to stay in and just take care of myself (trying to get over bronchitis) but alas, just could not do it. After little companion exited the school bus and jumped in the van, instead of the van turning right, as it should have, it went left and off we went bumpity bump in the opposite direction. Found a thrift store I had never been to before. Did not really find too much today although there were a couple chairs we may look at again tomorrow. Little companion found a VHS of Mary Martin playing Peter Pan for the TV broadcast. It was fun to watch tonight but some parts were pretty intense for a sheltered 6 year old girl! ha.

So, after they both went off to sleep made myself some cinnamon and orange spice tea and read some blogs.

Bill had an interesting tip over at that he got from Susan at He says to try not to use flash photography if at all possible and his pictures were so good, had to try it myself. So here we go.

We have our Brown Betty teapot, Norway Rose Cunningham & Picket cup and saucer, Homer Laughlin bread plate, and a couple of Yankee candles. This was with the flash.


And this was without.

How cool is that. Now my room is always a little dark once the sun goes down (even with 4 lamps and an overhead fan/lamp). Does give it a warmer look doesn't it.

Okay, so tonight we're drinking tea trying not to cough too much, and enjoying the evening listening to a "new" Righteous Brothers album. Tonight we'll just relax. Peace to you.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

In lieu of Teacup Tuesday

Okay, just have to tell you I am going through what you could call Teacup Tuesday withdrawal (on top of bronchitis). Kim is having some computer trouble so could not host this week. But I am determined to do a tea post even though I miss the group fun!
So here we go.

Found this little cobalt blue teapot on ebay, very, very reasonable.

Found this little warmer at a thrift shop, even more reasonable.

Pair those up with this cup I was given when I worked at Good Sam in Washington, oops we need one more thing....

That's better! Have a wonderful day!