Okay, so we have established that we will be traveling from Florida to Alaska and staying there for approx 3-4 months.
We will be storing most of our gear in the house in Oklahoma and basically taking a couple of suitcases each and carry-ons.
Now the big question is what would we have trouble living without during this 3-month journey, and I don't mean things like clothes, boots, etc., I mean the really important things like a musical instrument you can fit in a carry-on, like a psaltery,

A Go Bible, how cool is this!
This is basically a dedicated MP3-type player with the Bible loaded and you can scroll through by old and new testament, chapter, and verse. It also has favorite stories. I chose the King James Version read by Alexander Scourby. Now, I have the CD set but it is much larger than this little thing and we are trying to think small. It came with ear buds but I will be using a headset that sits on the ears and not in the ears. I love hearing the bible read as I follow along.

I also added the accessory pack so the little thing can be attached to the speakers or play through an FM radio, for instance in your car. I don't think I'll take the speakers or the FM radio thing but they will be nice to have later on down the road.

So there you have it, the first two things I will be taking on my journey.
I have been very busy trying to copy the thousands of glossary entries I had into another glossary since I have quit my job and may want this information later. It is very time consuming and BORING! I am hoping to be through sometime Saturday. That will be such a relief!!
Happy Saturday!!!!!!
We will be storing most of our gear in the house in Oklahoma and basically taking a couple of suitcases each and carry-ons.
Now the big question is what would we have trouble living without during this 3-month journey, and I don't mean things like clothes, boots, etc., I mean the really important things like a musical instrument you can fit in a carry-on, like a psaltery,
A Go Bible, how cool is this!
This is basically a dedicated MP3-type player with the Bible loaded and you can scroll through by old and new testament, chapter, and verse. It also has favorite stories. I chose the King James Version read by Alexander Scourby. Now, I have the CD set but it is much larger than this little thing and we are trying to think small. It came with ear buds but I will be using a headset that sits on the ears and not in the ears. I love hearing the bible read as I follow along.
I also added the accessory pack so the little thing can be attached to the speakers or play through an FM radio, for instance in your car. I don't think I'll take the speakers or the FM radio thing but they will be nice to have later on down the road.
So there you have it, the first two things I will be taking on my journey.
I have been very busy trying to copy the thousands of glossary entries I had into another glossary since I have quit my job and may want this information later. It is very time consuming and BORING! I am hoping to be through sometime Saturday. That will be such a relief!!
Happy Saturday!!!!!!
Wow the Go Bible sounds awesome. I've not seen this before, but what a wonderful way to listen to the Bible. Hope your plans are all working out.
Hi, Valerie,
I did not know you would be away for a while. I just went and read your previous post. I have always wanted to see the Northern Lights. This will be an exciting time for you so enjoy your stay in Alaska. The psaltery and Bible readings sound like two great things to take along. Vicki
Wishing you well with your new adventure!!!
Hope you will be sharing it with us!!!!
Great picks so far for your light traveling.
Now how about a fav tea cup!!!;-)
From Florida to Alaska, you sure like extremes! I sure hope that your journey will be wonderful and full of memories that you will forever treasure. I can't wait to hear more about it and see pictures of your new adventure!
Have a wonderful day and week ahead!
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