Okay, so you're in North Dakota...it is the end of February and the last thing you want to do is go to the store. You have to put on 4 layers (I kid you not) of clothes just to be out in the below freezing weather. Out to the freezing cold car and drive on the treacherous roads the maybe 8 blocks to the store (takes about 10 or 15 minutes to get there because you have to drive so slowly). Then trudge very slowly and carefully on the 8 or 10 inches of built up ice that covers the parking lot, into the store to buy your groceries. The last thing I want to do is... do it alone. So, I ask my little companion will you please go with me to the store and she cheerfully pipes up, "why yes grandma, sure!"
Ha! Yes! Now you may be thinking she is a very even tempered, docile child, uhmmm not so. She has spirit and spunk! She is what we in the '70s would have called a gal on the go!! So, we get along great. I would ask her to put this or that in the basket and she would say, I don't like it. I would have to remind her we were shopping for me and not her.
On with the story. So, we come up on the pop tarts. She says I should get some, I remind her we are shopping for me, pop tarts have like 500 calories a piece in them, and no we are not getting any. She insists yes, I insist no, and then suddenly.... she says well okay, just take my picture by them then. So, I pop out my digital camera and take her picture in front of the pop tarts and off we go. It was great! She was wonderful. Just having the picture made her happy.
It was so nice to have someone to trudge through the parking lot with back out to the car. She even carried one of the three bags for me! Thank you sweet Anabelle!
4 days ago
That made me smile, that she was happy to just have her picture made by them. What a cutie!!
Thanks for stopping by my blog, and for the nice comment on my romantic bathroom pics.
(I still like poptarts, by the way -- especially the CHOCOLATE ones ;)
I just love her name! And of course, she is just as pretty as her name is. :)
Good decision on the Pop Tarts!
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