So, we were on a quest for flag shots yesterday.

We actually saw quite a few more flags, but were unable to get shots of them for one reason or another
This one was cool, granddaughter spotted it on a wall at Goodwill.

I think it is a good place for it. Gets seen quite a bit.
I think it is a good place for it. Gets seen quite a bit.
Found a tea set wanted to share. Isn't it pretty?
I cannot believe National Hot Tea Month is almost over. I have really enjoyed the ladies posts about tea this month. Loved Miss Janice with her advice about tea parties and Gracious Hospitality and all the pictures and info about the tea ladies.
My Gosh, Girl, I haven't heard from you in ages. I was afraid you had frozen up. LOL It must be so cold in ND. Godd Grief, come to FL.
Pretty teaset Valerie.
What a sweet little tea set. I just love all things related to tea as I'm sure you can tell from your frequent visits to my blog. I can't seem to stop adding to my collection. A girl can never have too much when it comes to pretty things. Have a great weekend Valarie.... Kim
Hi Valerie!
Thanks for posting on my giveaway. Your name is in the pot. Good luck.
Sweet little teaset!
Thanks for stopping by Valerie.Have a good evening.
You are too the tea set!
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